This one-day Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) workshop consists of one individual classroom session hosted by Dr. Jason Borenstein.  The session satisfies one hour of the in-person/discussion-based RCR compliance training requirement for trainees funded by applicable NSF or NIH projects. 

Attendees should register through the Genius LMS, using the "GT Login" button. Click on "View Course Catalog", then enter "RCR" in the search bar to view the current RCR workshop sessions. You can view information about each class (including class times and locations) by clicking on "more info".  To register for a class, click on "Register", then "Proceed to Checkout" (there is no cost for the sessions). Then click on "Confirm". You will receive a confirmation email with a calendar file. You will need to follow instructions given to you during the session in order to receive RCR in-person contact hour credit for attending.



Tuesday, May 24  (Location - Clough 341 Neuroscience Lab)

Human Subjects Research 11:30am-12:30pm 

For more information about the RCR Workshop Series, including additional dates/sessions offered, refer to RCR Workshops and Events and Workshop FAQs.